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Vastuvõtu eeltingimuseks on bakalaureusekraad või sellele vastav haridustase ning sooritatud peab olema 48 EAP mahus õppekavasse kuuluva eriala õppeaineid.Ainete sobivuse üle otsustab vastav komisjon.

Pioglitasooni kasutamine II tüüpi diabeedi ravis

Koşuyolu Kalp Dergisi, Kosuyolu Heart Journal, Effects of Blood Transfusion on Hospital Mortality During Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Examining the Correlation Between the GOSE Index and Atrial Arrhythmia Development with Electrocardiographic P-wave Properties in Patients with Ebstein s Anomaly, Evaluation of the Epicardial Fat Tissue Thickness and Serum Omentin Levels in Patients.

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Castle of Harmony is reminiscent of both Gothic architecture and fairytale castles. Personally, I really love the colour and shape composition, with the fiery red of the main structure, tall and sharp, standing out against the dull metallic grey of a defensive.
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Pope Francis in Estonia. Homily in Freedom Square (more speeces: www.paavsteestis.ee) In listening to the first reading, the account of the coming of the Jewish people – now freed from slavery in Egypt – to Mount Sinai (Ex 19:1), it is impossible not to think of you as a people.
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Lai tn 39 // Lai tn 41 15056 Tallinn, Estonia Registration nr: 70000734 Phone: +372 625 6101 Fax: +372 625 6200 E-mail: info@agri.ee The Ministry of Rural Affairs is open from Monday to Friday from 8.00–16.30.
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Since 1997 more than 150 hulls, including hulls with partial out-fitting, have been built and delivered to our Scandinavian and European customers.
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Self-Evaluation Report Stage One; European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education REPORT on the STAGE 1 VISITATION to The Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu. 16–20 November.

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Anti Aging Caviar Hand Cream - Beluga kaviárt tartalmazó, kézfiatalító krém

4 990 Ft


Anti Aging Hand Cleaner - Kézmosó hab, mely véd a víz szárító hatásától

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Anti Pigment - Pigmentfolt-halványító

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Nail Vital 12 ml+Caviar hand Cream 30 ml

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Kas ma võin võtta Biseptooli diabeedi jaoks?