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Diabeetiline ravi sanatooriumis Krasnodari piirkonnas

Patients with type II diabetes mellitus are included in the trial. It is concerned those patients, who by the time of the trial receive basal insulin with metformin or metformin and sulfonylurea derivatives and with lack of optimal glycemic control (HbA1c 7.0%). For patients, which will be included.

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Diabex®XR 500 Diabex®XR 750 Diabex®XR 1000 Metformin hydrochloride extended release tablets Life threatening lactic acidosis can occur due to accumulation of metformin. The main risk factor is renal impairment, other risk factors include old age associated with reduced renal function. 1 NAME OF THE MEDICINE Metformin hydrochloride.

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DIAGNOSTICS Diagnostic Medicine uncovers deficiencies and excesses of health related biomarkers that can account for numerous illnesses and symptoms that affect overall quality of life. The results from these tests allow for customized programs centered on the patient’s health.

Diabeetiline ravi sanatooriumis Krasnodari piirkonnas:

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Overall: 184 Rates

Anti Aging Caviar Hand Cream - Beluga kaviárt tartalmazó, kézfiatalító krém

4 990 Ft


Anti Aging Hand Cleaner - Kézmosó hab, mely véd a víz szárító hatásától

4 680 Ft

2 990 Ft

Vitamiin diabeedihaigetele

Anti Aging Hand Lift Cure - Kézfiatalító kúra otthonra

12 990 Ft


Anti Aging Hand Protection - Kézvédő krém nappalra

4 990 Ft


Anti Aging Hand Scrub - Kézfiatalító bőrradír

4 790 Ft

Kas on hea süüa rasva diabeedi jaoks?

Anti Aging Omega Hand Mask - Omega3 és Omega6 zsírsavakat tartalmazó kézmaszk éjszakára

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Anti Pigment - Pigmentfolt-halványító

4 990 Ft


Nail Vital 12 ml+Caviar hand Cream 30 ml

6 886 Ft

5 590 Ft

Madal veresuhkur põhjustab lapsi

Quick Action Hand Creme - Az igazi kézkrém!

3 790 Ft


Tender Touch - Bőrradír tengeri sóval, szőlőmag-olajjal

4 440 Ft

2 990 Ft

Erijuhised diabeediga patsientidele